Saturday, December 9, 2006

-Welcome To The SLJ Blog-

Reading about the adventures of others has always helped fuel my own drive to get outside and explore. It is hard to find a tale of outdoor adventure, whatever form it may take, that does not convey the gamut of emotion felt by the creator of the tale. Being away from the urban world and practicing the lost art of outright play out of doors is incomparable. The pursuit of moments in our elements is what drives the lives of those of us who love to be outside. This pursuit is practiced on many different levels of intensity, none being more authentic or dedicated than the other. Weather the pursuit of moments involves traveling across the world to spend months in a remote mountain range toiling on unclimbed alpine routes or simply knocking off work early to get to that much loved over look in time to see the sun drop into the Pacific the same end result is achieved. We are happy and inspired because of the moments we experience.

The purpose of this journal is to be a catch all for the accounts, revelations, art, thoughts, advice or in short any sort of printable media having to do with outdoor experiences. My goal is to create a publication that can be respected by those who truly appreciate and value the natural world. If successful this publication will provide inspiration and knowledge to its readers. Nothing more and nothing less. Thank you for your interest in The Soul Line Outdoor Journal! I look forward to the stories.